Railway RRB NTPC Response Sheet : Download Answer Key

Railway RRB Latest Notifications 

Response sheet for Railway RRB NTPC Exam will be available shortly or in this week. Students who has given the exam can check the answers online or they can also download the response sheet.

RRB NTPC Answer Key

RRB NTPC Response sheet

This is the right step taken by the RRB as the students are waiting for the railway RRB online result. They are going to provide answers of all the questions for each shift. This is going to give satisfaction to the Railway RRB Aspirants.
Download Railway RRB Previous year question paper : Prepare with Railway RRB Model papers for RRB NTPC ,Group D

Railway RRB NTPC Response sheet: Answer key 

Railway RRB NTPC Exam has recently conducted. The exam was held from 28 March to 3rd May. RRB NTPC Answer sheet will be available soon on its official website. Students can check as well as download the response sheet. 

How to Download Response sheet from RRB official website

About RRB NTPC exam 

RRB had released 18252 vacancies for Non-technical post. About 1 crore people has given the RRB NTPC Exam.


Name of posts                                                                                                      No. of posts

Commercial Apprentice (CA):                                                           703 
Traffic Apprentice (TA)                                                                     1645 
Inquiry cum Reservation Clerk (ECRC)                                            127
Goods Guard                                                                                      7591 
Junior Accountant cum Amanuensis (Typist) (JAA)                         1205 
Senior Clerk cum typist                                                                      869 
Assistant Station Master (ASM)                                                        5942 
Transport Assistant                                                                             166 
Senior Time Keeper                                                                            04 

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

The examination is in four sections; All the sections are combined. particular section has not been given in the exam. The overall exam was moderate. Students can get high score in Math’s and reasoning, they were easy to attempt. Four sections were

1. Quantitative aptitude
2. Reasoning
3. General knowledge
4. General awareness and General science

RRB NTPC Answer key will be available shortly: RRB Latest Notifications

Read here 

Railway RRB NTPC Response Sheet : Download Answer Key Railway RRB NTPC Response Sheet : Download Answer Key Reviewed by Unknown on 00:33:00 Rating: 5

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