Railway Exam Preparation Tips
Railway has start conducting recruitment and students are getting ready to clear the recruitment exam. Most of the students don’t know the flow of study. If candidate will study in a particular manner than it is a time consuming part for the candidate.
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Things to Note Down Before Start Study
Before proceeding any further make the list of obstacles. There are many distractions. Make a note and start working on it
- Priorities unclear (what to study First)
- Studying on Bed & falling Asleep
- Attempting too much at once
- Can’t Resume studying after break
- Leaving task unfinished, Jumping from one Task to another task
- Not having Needed material
- Frequently waiting until the last minute before starting to study.
Go here for Previous Year Question Paper : Railway Exam paper
Make Good Study Habits
1. Know Yourself: find out your strength and weakness. Identify your learning Style preference whether you learn effectively by reading, by watching, by listening. Than find out you are morning person or night person. You feel concentrate in noisy place or in a silent room.
2. Time management: Analyze how you are spending your time. If you are not giving enough time to your study than make it as a priority and follow a schedule that gives a significant amount to your other work and study.
3. Become an active Reader: Did you ever feel sleeping while playing basketball or when going out for dinner? You feel entertaining? Right! You also want to entertaining with study than be active. Read actively to fulfil your purpose and give answers about the material. Take your test by own. fdhfh
4. Make Notes:
i. Exploring the theme and sub-themes
ii. Organisation of content
iii. Underline essential information
5. Understand the Vocablury: Your ability to understand the meaning of the word is very effective. You must be able to unlocking the meaning of the words and process of remembering new words and their meaning.
Railway Exam Preparation Tips
Reviewed by Unknown

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